oh dear!!...double vaxxed geriatrics are dropping like flies, page-79

  1. 55,203 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1008
    Do you still use the big white walking stick to get around

    The real reason the Government wants you to get a COVID-19 Booster Jab every 3 months is because the Vaccinated are developing a new form of AIDS


    The UK’s minimum gap for Covid-19 booster jabs will be halved from six months to three, after the UK Government accepted advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisations to speed up the programme.
    Criminally, the Government also accepted the JCVI’s advice to offer all children over the age of 12 a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, twelve weeks following the first dose, despite knowing the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis is much higher following the second dose.
    The UK Government and its scientific advisers claim that the reason for cutting the time people must wait to get a booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine to just three months, is to limit the spread of the alleged new Omicron variant, of which they know next to nothing about.
    But the real reason is that they know from their own data the Covid-19 vaccines are decimating the immune systems of the vaccinated and they urgently need to get the boosters into arms to halt the progression of vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.


    ''It is the government who can't process the data Pfizzer has already given them.''

    Now genius - try thinking for yourself for once

    Pfizer put together a so called vaccine in less than a year
    but you reckon it will take the government 55 years to process that data

    I don't think government employees are all as dopey as you that it would take them 55 years to process one year's information.

    Have you thought that maybe someone is trying to not fully disclose something?

    Feel like a lab rat yet?
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