2 jabs of AZ vaccine give zero immunity after 15 weeks to omicron variant, page-25

  1. 3,127 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    It can be conceded that there is a case for covid vaccination in the same way as there is a case for vaccination from the flu .
    The data does suggest reduced severity of symptoms but the data also suggests that only a small portion of the community is at risk .
    There is a 99.7 % survival rate across the board, the deaths are primarily among those in poor health, pretty much the same as the flu.
    There is some evidence that early treatment will reduce severity of symptoms as well and results from places where early treatment is widespread are very encouraging.
    Not many posters including myself are anti vax, we have all accepted vaccines for the other major disease's , but I think I can safely say that many are dubious of the motives of the pharma companies due to a history of covering up side effects in the interest of generating profit's .
    Government motives are a different story , but there are claims of corruption involved , and why should that be a surprise ?
    There is a history there as well.
    I look at Japan for an example of a realistic approach -- there is early treatment available with a broad range of medications which are not available here, and the idea of a medical apartheid is not favourable there either.
    People have traditionally had a choice in the matter without threats of their lives being ruined if they don't agree.
    I still see no evidence that should not still be the case -- media fear porn is not evidence of anything apart from corruption imo.
    The data clearly suggests that the survival rate is high, that the majority have no symptoms or very mild ones, that the so called vaccines do not offer protection from infection and that boosters are essential to maintain whatever protection from symptoms is provided . It also shows that vaccinated people are transmitters of the virus and the latest data to me suggests that side effects are more widespread and severe than claimed. Clots, myocardia , palsy etc are serious, especially in kids .
    There are also studies claiming compromised immune systems and that natural immunity offers a more robust protection against repeat infection.
    None of the studies, either for or against , can be considered unequivocal imo so everyone is essentially only offering an opinion based on interpretation of the data , I think even red would agree with that.
    The data clearly suggests that boosters do not offer permanent immunity and that multiple yearly boosters are necessary , so all in all , IMO there is a strong case for remaining vax free .

    The length of this post is for the benefit of some posters who like to repeat every word when they reply , so have at it.
    Virtually all the posters who I consider fanatical are on ignore , and they know who they are because I have told them. so feel free to attack because you no longer exist .
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