To know God Is to Obey - Lukewarm Christians be warned, page-727

  1. 667 Posts.
    You are completely misinterpreting the word of God intentionally or not intentionally as you are not filled with the Holy Spirit. What does Genesis 3:15 mean?

    In direct response to the serpent's deception and Adam's and Eve's disobedience, God pronounces curses on each of them, as well as on the generations to follow.

    In the previous verse, God began his curse on both the serpent and on Satan, who took the serpent's form or body. In this verse, the curse is focused entirely on Satan. God promises to make enemies of Satan and the woman. In fact, their offspring or "seed"—will remain enemies throughout all generations.

    Eve's offspring, of course, includes all of humanity, born one generation after another up to the present day. But who is Satan's offspring? It's unlikely this refers to actual biological children of the Devil. Satan's offspring may include all of the fallen angels, demons, who will follow him. It definitely includes those humans who will come to believe and practice his lies.

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