USA no longer a super power.. and saudis building own missiles.. theGATEWAY, page-22

  1. 23,170 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769

    IMO, the USA's problem is that it does not have a clear economic plan
    to grow its economy, stop its budget & trade deficits and to reign-in
    its mountain of debt.

    It seems that its strategy is to print more money, accrue more debt
    and let the country go down the gurgle while its Billionaires stash
    their cash in overseas Tax Havens.

    The bottom line is that its economy is financialised rather than
    industrialised as it was in its heyday and in order to maintain
    global hegemony , its only strategy seems to stymie China's growth
    rather than promote its own.
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