so much censorship in america .. a communist facist country.

  1. 30,043 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    I’ve relied on The Gateway Pundit many, many times for really the kinds of things you don’t find out anywhere else. Your censorship may be the worst in American history. I don’t know if America has ever been this censored. I can’t imagine. We’re like a kind of a communist facist country. A lot of the news is either not covered or distorted completely…

    I’m used to not believing what I read now. If I pick up the New York Times now. I read it and I say now what’s wrong with this and usually I can figure it out where they’re lying about

    ok - watso thought that the commies and fascists were enemies

    yep - straight from the GATEWAY ...

    then toss in trump calling the j6 thingy a STALINIST SHOW TRIAL ..

    At his rally in Arizona, a mastermind named Donald Trump spoke of Stalinist show trials in connection with the investigative committee on the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

    (mmm maybe americans should think about migrating to russia, or china .. there is no way they could be as bad as america )


    MMM no harm in tossing in this video
    (mmm mmm how come paula white did not make an appearance at the WHINGATHON rally)..

    hilarious - two whackos - trump and paula white

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