CVN 4.00% 12.0¢ carnarvon energy limited

Ann: Trading Halt, page-39

  1. 9,306 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8766
    @Eagle&owl ... "but the company got a please explain for not entering a trading halt for the roc south which was a miss."

    They did indeed enter a TH for the results of Roc South 1 results and tried to fluff up a bust (as every company does). Interesting, my experience has been that companies just announce busts, but give the TH for positive results. The one you refer to is possibly the first time I've seen that.

    Look at the Ironbark announcement from Beach et al, they just came out and stated 'duster', after a huge lead up. No TH there. Everyone was expecting a TH for positive results.

    There really is no reason to drag out a duster, but a positive result the TH gives time for more information. Good luck to us all on Friday...
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