33 fully vaccinated !DEAD!..."pandemic of the unvaccinated", page-376

  1. 5,227 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2315
    and that there is exactly how they will cull off the population via the vaccine and go under the radar... the vaccinated will always have some sort of "underling issue" that helped the cause of death, wont it?...

    my conspiracy theory mind as you all would like diagnose me with, does have some sort of belief that the vaccine has its own agenda... hence why they are pretty much aiming to inject every living soul on the planet, young, middle-aged, old, near already dead 80-90++... they swing these figures and use their smart ass words to make sure it has a tone of comply via fear... death rates of influenza were always a partial cause of death in the elderly... all off a sudden its COVID... however if the vaccinated die, they died with covid but however had other underlying issues... see where this is going?

    lets say my conspiracy theory is correct, let just entertain that for 2 seconds... Ill even bullet point it

    # world admits there is a global crisis, global warming, increased pollution, rapidly increasing population, predictions of mass food shortages by 2050 even to that of first world countries...
    # world leaders came together in 2019, discussions of the "global crisis"
    # Bill Gates himself said in 2019 he had ways to bring the population back by at least a billion
    # Covid, regardless of variant, hits the world and puts every one in fear and over reaction.. Virus Mutates and becomes weaker over the 2years, literally is the 15th strain of this actual virus being that of Omicron, is still classed as the least harmful on the major 3... however the answer is to vaccinate everyone, with a vaccine that supposedly was ready in a very short amount of time..
    # the People comply....conformity... dictatorship.. no jab no job... children, men, women, many of whom did not want to comply but had to other wise they would lose their jobs and more...
    # America makes Billions and hundreds of Billions via the like of Pfizer , with contracts for commitments for years to come from many countries around the world..
    # Majority of the population now lining up for not just 1 or two or three jabs, but with also boosters in between.. for years to come
    # Side effects become more evident, deaths via the vaccine will be inevitable but will go under the radar ... Immune systems have been compromised due to over "enhanced" immune booster shots, Immune system now becomes weak and is dependant on more shots... The vaccinated get sick, heart issues, kidney issues and alike, on going health issues, even at young ages... then another virus and another, more shots, more vaccinations... the human body cant take it any more... side effect after side effect... years go by, the death rates go up. the expectancy of life becomes shortened... but on the death certificate it will say "died of heart complications", "Immune disorder," "kidney disease"... it wont even say covid, it 100% wont say from the vaccine... people will die younger, children that are being vaccinated will become sterile... in the next 30+ years the population will have decreased dramatically ...
    # welcome to the new world order... control to the extreme... cull the population and make the people conform... save the planet

    now you are welcome to call me a nutter and what ever you like... but when the above becomes more apparent.. remember this conspiracy nut... I bet Ill still be around in the many years to come....

    your enemy is not me, its those that control you and make you conform... what is going on is Hitler mentality on a global scale.. one day many here will sallow their pride and admit they were wrong... no one cares about you and me, other than those close to us... we are all but ant's in a system.. a speck of sand on the beach... we are worth nothing, if anything we are now becoming a pest to the world... humans will cull animals, do you think it not possible for humans to cull humans all in the name of the human race?
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