The Collapse of the American Empire, page-1968

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    an interesting show on sbs last night ..

    back in 1956, the egyptian prez nationalized the suez canal (the funds from the canal could be used to build the aswan dam) ..

    the owners of the canal - were the old imperial powers of england and france - and they were not too happy ..

    wars/conflicts are mostly about resources ..

    to cut a long story short - but france, england and israel hatched a cunning plan - and thought the americans would eventually go along with the plan ..

    mm it seems that potus eisenhower was going to an election - and wanted peace ..

    anyway - the cunning plan proceeds - and the english and the french are well on their way to get control of the canal - but then BULLY BOY AMERICA threatened the english with economic sanctions ...

    ENGLAND WAS NO LONGER A SUPER POWER .. but subservient to the americans

    Although Nasser offered full economic compensation for the Company, the British and French Governments, long suspicious of Nasser’s opposition to the continuation of their political influence in the region, were outraged by the nationalization. The Egyptian leader, in turn, resented what he saw as European efforts to perpetuate their colonial domination.
    The Eisenhower administration, worried by the prospect of the outbreak of hostilities between its NATO allies and an emergent, influential Middle Eastern power (and the possible intervention of the Soviet Union in such a conflict), ...
    At the same time, the British and French held secret military consultations with Israel, who regarded Nasser as a threat to its security, resulting in the creation of a joint plan to invade Egypt and overthrow its President. ...

    and this from another link.. and about the economic sanctions

    The United States threatened all three nations with economic sanctions if they persisted in their attack. The threats did their work. The British and French forces withdrew by December; Israel finally bowed to U.S. pressure in March 1957, relinquishing control over the canal to Egypt. In the aftermath of the Suez Crisis, Britain and France, once the seat of empires, found their influence as world powers weakened as the United States and the Soviet Union took a more powerful role in world affairs.

    our good friend diligent would be upset to know that the americans did not support the british

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