process on the boat!!!, page-68

  1. 6,764 Posts.
    Strikes me that Mr Rudd is showing himself to be a man of very little conviction,Something that Mark Latham (dare i mention that name ) pointed out long long before Mr Rudd became PM.

    Rudd is now showing the same conviction as the aging rock star (dont worry tell them anything until we get in,then we will change it) Garret. 'We will send in the navy to stop the whalers.'We will stop Tassie logging' 'What this country needs is more people like me in tune with the young Australian'

    So while 22,0000 West Australians are presently waiting on the state housing list,Multiply that by 5 Nationaly.
    (No-one of importanace.Just your average Aussie tax payers)

    While the unemployment rate rose this week to 5.8%
    Our socialy minded left wing government will now push these people ahead of our existing homeless. Jobs will be provided within government departments as always with refugees etc, as no private company can be forced to provide them jobs

    Well, my advice to Mr & Mrs down in your luck Ocker is get yourself up to Asia,pay a few bob,get yourself in a boat, get picked up and presto you will be down in the pub in no time buying your mates a round telling them how your fortunes have changed,a roof over your head,government job and a new life ahead.

    (might try it myself)
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