stop immigration .... tim flannery, page-71

  1. 3,728 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Maybe our world can accommodate twice as many people. Maybe it cannot. While many here are eager and open to immigration on our land, wouldn't it be good if at the same time we say to these over populated nations to reduce the population number as a means of fixing the problems? All we are doing now is spreading the problems around the world.

    This thing about population growth being necessary for sustainability is just garbage. It's all based on the stupid pension system that was created when it was viable, as the average death age was 62 when it was created. Now we are looking at 85 years of age before people start dying off! The model is broken. The developed world has an ageing working fleet and is scared of the problems associated with it.

    They are;
    reduced tax income due to less available workers.
    increased inflation due to continuing strong demands but less available workers.
    increased demands on healthcare.

    The model is broken, simply because the model was never intended to fund people 10, 20, 30 and 40 years into their retirement. It simply cannot work - period! As it is right now our environment is heavily stressed and is showing very real symptoms as a result. Such as less drinking water, greater extreme temperatures, less available land for farming and less energy for future growth.

    This is so stupid, and it's a desperate act where the politicians and public are pretending that it's the right thing to do to live the perfect life. Yes, but at what cost? And who will pay?

    As man evolved all through these past millenniums he followed the same basic rule and that rule was;
    you look after your offspring and then when you are too old and weak your offspring will look after you! Is that to hard to do? Why should the ageing population be the sole responsibility of our nation? Each and every family should face their responsibilities and look after their elderly mums and dads.

    If it's okay for the people of China and India to live into their twilight years without one cent of assistance from their nations then maybe we should be changing our views for the betterment of the future. If we want to trade on the global market then we need to think globally - not behave like we're still in some kind of super protective bubble!
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