stop immigration .... tim flannery, page-73

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    What I wrote is a little extreme I know. But it was to get home the message of the wrong direction we're enforcing ourselves to. The dream of retirees that they can continue their consumer like lifestyles once they stop working is damaging to our economy. What is their dream? To have the government to pay for all their health needs and to pay them a tidy little income. And with it they want to travel across the nation with their 4wds and caravans while we work to pay their keep.

    Let's look at another reason why the model is broken. When you and I pay our taxes we expect much of it to go into a pool to finance our retirement. Hence the common catch phrase "I've paid my taxes"! But the governmental is not doing what it's supposed to do with our taxes. It's using our money to pay individuals who 'choose' not to work. It's using our money to pay single women to have fatherless children. It's using our money to pay investors so they that can afford their investment properties. It's using our money to fund the health care of individuals who are perfectly capable of funding their own medical bills. The list is never ending.

    This money that should be there to give us our 'entitlement' is being used up now as we speak! It's being used to fund the policies of our politicians. Did they ask me if it's okay to give most adults $900 so that they can spend? Hello! Can't you see what is going on? Not only are they spending tomorrow's money but they almost have nothing left for today.

    This is where we will gradually see a shift away from handouts. This is where our government sees less income to pay its financially draining policies. Removal of funds from healthcare, education, law enforcement, our defence will be gradual but reality. Their other option is to go heavily into debt (or even print money) for funding, which will cause inflation surges. That I can assure you is not what our politicians strive for, as any sign of out of control inflation will have the public run riot in protest!

    Slowly but surely we will have less and less entitlements offered to us simply because our leaders have grossly over spent what they did not have. Hence the desperate need for migrants. They don't care about the strains on infrastructure as long as we have new workers to pay taxes for redundant policies. That is okay, as long as we have enough job growth. What if this GFC reappears again? What if the removal of the global stimulus funds really is taking its toll? So far I'm witnessing and hearing the negative aspects of the removal of stimulus packages. Cash for clunkers - who did that help? It temporarily increased the money flow through the American nation but it has not done one thing to guarantee long term jobs. Many of the cars purchased were foreign!

    There are those here who are fighting to keep this dream - the dream that we can work and get paid plenty, where we can import items made by foreigners that get paid very, very little, where we will forever be wealthier than those who have low paying jobs overseas. But these low paid workers save around 40% of their incomes, while we spend over 100%! Hence the GFC!

    We need to change the mindset of individuals that simply 'expect' tax payers to fund their every need. We need to shift the responsibly back to the individual. Once this cancerous burden is removed from our society will our nation be set free from its shackles. Once free it will, like China, then have the power to choose what to purchase with ease!

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