Religious populations growing faster than atheists worldwide, page-85

  1. 5,657 Posts.
    No, @ppm56 you are not hanging back and just letting things play out; you are out with your knives to stick into atheists at every opportunity while having a go at activities of the enlightenment several centuries ago while claiming that you cannot judge history by today's standards. What's so special about today's standards; are they really the best?
    Now whereu, be honest isn’t this what you do to every Christian that posts on here along with every other sceptic, trying to put holes in everything they say, I’m just returning the favour with a smile just to pass a bit of time today as I’m a bit sore from my campout and can’t do much more today but to relax, even thou I have to plan my next trip for later this week or next

    I’m trying to open your eyes to do a bit of research as to how and why your mind was set, and that its not all smooth sailing for sceptics

    Today’s standards are best for us as we have been conditioned to it, I cannot speak on past standards as I haven’t lived there, except for the standards of the 60’s – 80s I believe they were better than todays, plus I was younger and better looking then and especially what’s on TV today, matter of fact that’s the only shows they show now that speaks volumes for itself as to which standards were better

    Authorities are human beings who contradict each other making the task of finding those who agree with you a relatively easy task that goes with the task of just copying and pasting their works.
    We all contradict each other, that’s part of being human, and we all assume our understanding is the ultimate truth and will use any means to justify it, I see that’s pretty common on here with believers and sceptics alike, and that much for sure I have admitted and mentioned many times on here, we only see what we want to see according to our mindset of reality,

    An attribute that I find disturbing is humanity's pertinacity to deny their unpleasant history. Wars and conflicts provide prime examples of this. The CC attempts to deny the worst of the inquisitions - of which you are clearly part, the Nazi apologist attempts to deny the holocaust, the British attempts to deny their acts of genocide in the Boer War... and so on.
    You are correct, we all try to protect our position, especially our pre-conceived mentality on a personal level, even more so if in power or authority and will do anything to protected it, see here I will admit it again that this has happened in the CC especially now with the sex abuse, but the trick is to find out what has happened and remedy it so it won’t be carried on in the future as myth

    Manuscripts have been examined by historians, if one cannot trust them then where will you draw the line, or is it only true when it agrees with our views, same goes with scientists are they trustworthy only when they agree with our views.

    You have demonstrated that your new claim that you don't care about atheism is shown by your numerous posts blaming atheism for the ills of the CC clearly shows that this is false.
    No whereu, I’ve said it many times that I blame the CC because it was given a mandate by Christ and they failed.
    I also believe these things had to happen how else will humanity progress, I try to be honest and look at both views and follow where evidence leads
    I also believe or in the mindset that these things are happening for a good reason, in that we will exhaust ourselves out of everything leading to a more relaxed life in the future which our offspring's hopefully will inherited, I can't do much as all cannot control humanity, I can only wait for it to be played out.

    What I love about the present Atheism is they are exhausting themselves with any rational arguments and slowly dying out see below

    But again, we are all human, theist or atheist, and my moral values towards humans has nothing to do with what position they hold too

    As far as atheism debates, the majority of the public debates are Atheism vs. Christianity debates (although there have been a few Atheism vs. Islam debates).
    Although atheists commonly claim there are reasonable arguments for atheism, the quality of atheist debate has been quite poor from the proponents of atheism.
    Notable cases of prominent atheists being reluctant to

    See also: Atheism and cowardice and Atheism vs. Christianity and Atheist fear of conservative Christians
    Beginning in the latter part of the 20th century, there were a number of notable instances of prominent atheists being reluctant to debate (see: Atheism and cowardice).
    In the 21st century, the cowardice associated with atheism has become so obvious that it is making newspaper headlines.[2] On May 14, 2011, the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph published a news story entitled Richard Dawkins accused of cowardice for refusing to debate existence of God.[1] In The Daily Telegraph article Dr. Daniel Came, a member of the Faculty of Philosophy at Oxford University was quoted as writing to fellow atheist Richard Dawkins concerning his refusal to debate Dr. William Lane Craig, "The absence of a debate with the foremost apologist for Christian theism is a glaring omission on your CV and is of course apt to be interpreted as cowardice on your part."[1]
    A majority of the most prominent and vocal defenders of the naturalistic evolutionary position since World War II have been atheists.[3] After doing poorly in a series of debates in the the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, evolutionists are generally reluctant to debate (see: Creation vs. evolution debates).
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