latham's late but successful launch, page-34

  1. 4,941 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 147
    re: lathams best stuff up yet Hi Costics,

    2 of the main beneficiaries of Labor's Medicare Gold:
    Gough Whitlam; and
    Bob Hawke.

    Both are either over 75, or will be over 75, by the time Medicare Gold kicks in.

    It's funny, but the media have scorned anything that the Coalition has said, and heaped praise on Latham (especially from the likes of Michelle Grattan et al).

    But it seems that the media does not want to apply any investigative review of Labor's costings or of their funnel of savings. They have simply accepted those costings and savings at face value, without review, without scrutiny, and with 100% blind trust.

    Why is that?

    No wonder this election is about trust. But what will the excuses be if Latham gets in and the savings don't materialise, or the costs begin to osverrun their estimates.

    What then?

    But, of course - take 100% of the funding away from the independent schools, raise marginal tax rates on those earnings 2x AWE, means test everything, and tax business to the extreme. And of course, take the 9% Superannuation Guarantee Charge (super contribution) from the expatriates and transfer it to Consolidated Revenue and then hope that those expatriates forget all about their entitlements (assuming that Labor does not then legislate them out of existence).

    And what of the sacred cows. Only this week, Bracks in Victoria has reduced State Labor Government funding to the 4 State schools in the Doncaster region (including Doncaster Secondary College). Claimed that it was fairer to do so.

    So, what does that suggest?

    Labor running down resources for Government Schools in middle class suburbs in an effort to drive students out of the public system and towards private?

    A very cyncial, tyrannical, and entirely dishonest approach to the principles of good, open and decent Government.

    Will Latham be any different?

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