Russia Ukraine war, page-2448

  1. 30,390 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1863
    Yes I've read up about all of that, just to give Putin and Russia a fair go. I read the academics that are favourable to him and who say that Putin has been under pressure from the West etc with NATO expansionism, and the Russian speaking minority in the East etc.

    And after all the reading, and listening and researching I'm forced to conclude that Putin's actually afraid of DEMOCRACY.

    This is what he has in common with Xi. Both terrified. He equates it with chaos. He likes order.

    Putin is a 20th century man, he uses state of the art warfare but his mentality is 19th and 20th century.

    He's yesterday's man. Whatever he does now, he's pretty much snookered.

    He can kill off Ukrainians and conduct another war crime. But he's finished as a world leader.


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