our economy; greed, debt, inflation, deflation, page-7

  1. 7,867 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    good posts club..

    "If you believe the unthinkable won’t occur then I wish you and your family the best of luck, because you’re going to need it!"

    'Luck is for fools' -PUTIN

    that's the brutal reality..One of which most do not wish to acknowledge as with many other truths that society has avoided for many generations.

    hcvictim..When it does collapse..and i do believe it eventually will in it's current form it is merely the continuation of the cycle of life (of which is wayyyy off course)..

    If you are afraid then you haven't confronted your inevitable fate up until now. That's the problem as i see it..Humans have forgotten their true significance..We are afraid as a race..tht's why there's so much violence//Fear is the root of anger..Society is now VERY afraid and confused and therefore needs a shock to the system for true reality to be realized..

    I have been saying all my life how out of balance our system is and peoples values are just WRONG and have always been scoffed at and called a hippy by members of my "high flying' family who collect 'things' like boats cars big houses in a shallow attempt to create some identity based on material wealth..BUT NOW the cracks are emerging and my philosophies are no longer that 'hippyish' I have always maintained my belief that remaining in a creative state of mind,not collecting things or attatching myself to any dogmas..being of any religious,materialistic or job position status...

    .The 'EGO'..The 'I' is the the main problem as i see it..we have forgotten we are ONE race and neither nurturing that fact or embracing it..rather look out for NO.1. Superficial pleasures such as drugs alcohol sex BLING things are all just a distraction from the true journey which is to expand consciousness..as a single being and as a collective.

    .how can a race where less than 4% of it's populus 'OWNS 98% of the wealth survive?? We watch our own kind strve to death and kill it because we believe differently..totally insane!!

    So as i see it..the ecoming collapse of the world as WE know it be it next week or next decade is a good thing..and hopefully those to follow will learn and do it better although....??

    I think our last chance was in the late 60s but again we got distracted by superficial pleasures and killed those who spoke up and spoke truth..eg..Martin Luther..kennedy etc etc

    i'll stop now ;;)))))
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