sex lies and tiger, page-109

  1. 29,702 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    if the women were single, and if they accepted the offer from woods, then fair enough - for the women. of course it takes two to tango, but if the woman is single, then , morally, she can do as she pleases - and if a man with heaps of money , can throw a bit at her, for a few seconds of fun - then that might be ok. a married man, with young children, cannot play around. most people actually believe in monogamous relationships - and would be devastated to find out if their partner is playing around. sure, if both partners were happy with "open relationships" - then who should care.

    some poster on hc, at the time of the australian open (or whatever), praised woods, for his persona - lol lol ha ha - yes, the persona, that was very deliberately portrayed - the real persona was different - woods was a scum bag.

    just to side line a bit - and watso's personal life. when watso was dating the mother (eventually) of his children... we had been to the beach (probably leightons), and drove past the ozone, and dropped in for a meal - and the strippers came prancing out - and watso did not know where to look - sure, watso knew where he wanted to look, but knew that he could not look, because it might demean his partner. watso recalls another partner, who got incredibly upset, because she noticed that watso, for a fraction of a second, looked at an incredibly voluptuous woman - who happened to be waiting, to get some water, from a tap, where watso was getting some water. once in the blue moon, watso looks at a few small clips of porn - and watso's wife found out - and she was incredibly upset. frankly, watso would not bother with porn - and would never waste his time paying for it - but there are plenty of clips on the net for free - and watso had a look - not that it did much for him - as it is all quite boring - after all, how many ways are there to have sex????? - .

    the bottom line is that partners do not like indiscretions. for people who claim that there must be something missing in his marriage - that is all rubbish - what was at play, was the woods desire to play around, and the chance to get away with it

    watso hopes that he suffers - but it could be, that he does not care - because even if he loses a few million, or tens of millions, there will be another woman in his bed, - and he will still be able to pay the rent
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