tiger woods fiasco, page-37

  1. 11,316 Posts.
    Hi Taylor and All,

    Even tho I married her, I too was a sperm donor.

    I got married first time at 47 years old. I told her didn't want kids,before we got married, wanted a partner too enjoy life traveling together.

    Got married, every excuse under the sun why we couldn't go traveling.

    Went to doctor to get vasectomy, they told me they can't do with out wife's permission. I thought they below to me, but apparently when you sign the marriage license, you sign them over to your wife.

    All she wanted was a child, and a marriage to be legal.

    Long story, short, she went off the pill and didn't tell me and I have a lovely daughter now.

    In the beginning I was very, very angry.

    The stupid Government was sending pamphlets in the mail and on TV about domestic violence, telling women it's never their fault, and men to cool down and walk away.

    That made me more angry.

    I rang that dept. up and said there is something missing.

    They said what.

    I said there is no where in your pamphlet or on TV that you tell the women to shut up, back off and give the guy some space.

    At the time there was no men's group available, plenty for women.

    Now there is , I went to one years ago run by center link,

    I don't know what happen but most of the angry disappeared.

    I would highly recommend going too one if you haven't.

    The DNA test should be done at birth to prove who is or isn't the father. There is so much fraud there.

    My wife and I have come to an unspoken agreement to live in same house, in different rooms to look after our daughter.

    Tag team, you might say. There is always one if not two of us to look after her.

    We, the three of us have just come back from Carols by candle light.

    This might not be a good deal to most, but it works for us.

    It's too late in the race to change horses (nags) for me.


    what I am trying to get across, is that you are not on your own.

    Integrity seems to be in short supply in women from my experience. And some women may say the same in men.

    The women in Tiger's life seem a bit short of it,
    and some will say Tiger is, so how can that relationship survive? It can if both parties are honest and get back to having integrity again.

    Integrity; means avoiding any communication that is deceptive, full of guile, or beneath the dignity of people. " A lie is any communication with intent to deceive."

    But if you have no integrity, how can you have a successful marriage/ business deal.

    Copenhagen will possible not come off, for I believe there is little integrity there.

    Taylor I hope this helps, and to any one else.

    Finish off with a bit of humour,

    There is a new birth control pill for men.

    You put in your shoe and it makes you limp.

    ( Xmas) What do you give men and women whom have everything?

    Answer; Penicillin

    night all,

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