Well I’m locked and loaded to bounce the board out at the next AGM. The professionalism of the company in communication to the shareholders or delivering on any of their seldom made commitments is insulting. If you have a look at the communication achieved back in October 18 when the SP soared and maintained just long enough for MM to convert and then sell her options for a tidy profit, and director Rob Thomas (from memory) conveniently sold off a huge parcel despite the rhetoric of the company being hugely positive, you can see how self motivated the board are. We were getting near daily updates in that window till they cashed out. It’s got nothing to do with making the SH rich, just them. Don’t miss this opportunity to bounce them to the curb! You know they will be asking for more money very shortly when most of our cash burn is just supporting their unproductive salaries.
Maybe they will come out with FDA fast track approval and we have a good run up, but history shows that the only thing this board has actually done successfully is CR continuously.
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Ann: Quarterly Activities Report, page-23
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1.7¢ |
0.000(0.00%) |
Mkt cap ! $15.34M |
Open | High | Low | Value | Volume |
1.7¢ | 1.7¢ | 1.7¢ | $851 | 50.05K |
Buyers (Bids)
No. | Vol. | Price($) |
14 | 1869142 | 1.6¢ |
Sellers (Offers)
Price($) | Vol. | No. |
1.7¢ | 289164 | 3 |
View Market Depth
No. | Vol. | Price($) |
13 | 1850892 | 0.016 |
9 | 1008443 | 0.015 |
3 | 366833 | 0.014 |
1 | 370000 | 0.013 |
4 | 1263330 | 0.012 |
Price($) | Vol. | No. |
0.017 | 289164 | 3 |
0.018 | 824326 | 5 |
0.019 | 911055 | 4 |
0.020 | 598442 | 4 |
0.021 | 300000 | 2 |
Last trade - 15.13pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ? |
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