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Originally posted by Kevinl
This is the YouTube link for the ACAJ conference.
55:30 The guy with the orange tie is AVZ’s lawyer. He is defending AVZ’s case as the ACAJ is trying to show that the private companies in the project haven’t done any work and that the DRC will not benefit from the project.
It would be too fastidious to translate its whole speech but here several key points from AVZ’s lawyer speech;
Note 1: AVZ’s lawyer seems very confident.
Note 2: English not my first language
•ACAJ doesn’t have all the information. AVZ is dealing directly with the government.
•there is no real mention of ZIJIN
•AVZ can prove their rights with official legal documents.
•DATHCOM received the ML.
•AVZ has been the 1st company to be able to drill the Roche Dure and has invested millions of $$$ in Manono and completed a DFS.
•AVZ has undertook some mine-clearing works on the site + some social work (legally Didn’t have to).
•AVZ suggested the idea to the government to organise the DRC Africa business forum.
•AVZ has offered $150M + some shares in the company (in AVZ via ASX) to the Gov (assuming that it is for the extra 15% from COMINIERE)
•AVZ can show proof of financing circa $600M.
•Mine life over 200 years
•AVZ wants to build (assuming with CATH) a hydroxide plant in Manono which will bring jobs and development around the site.
•lot of disinformation going around
•AVZ to build roads, airports…
•IGF has cleared the legal issues and gave reason to AVZ + IGF has recommended to the government to go after the people who bargained away the COMINIERE’s share.
happy to answer some questions if you have any.
while others bicker over new posters , who aren’t worth replying to or waste any energy on. It’s definitely worth applying energy to your research Kevinl. Great work!
As far as questions for you I am sure people will have plenty, once they stop replying to paid trolls.
Mine, Any idea on how long the saga may go on for. Any word from your side on a quick resolution?
Thanks again for your work!