angus cattle and mcdonalds, page-42

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    bevter, nothing wrong with fat. Put in a hard day of physical work and the body is screaming out for plenty of fat, and sugar, to burn for energy. Nothing wrong with the food, no food is junk food, plenty of junk eaters though who eat too much whilst expending too little energy.
    Same with bacteria, the obsession with hygiene is leading to a population with limited natural immunity. My missus is always complaining that I don't wash my hands enough after getting them dirty or working with animals. Perhaps I don't, as long as the sheep or cattle sh-it brushes off and my hands don't smell, I may well forget to wash them before eating. But I never get sick, never get colds, cuts and scratches seem to heal okay as long as any dirt is washed out, even if the same bandage does stay on for several days..... I'm lying about never getting sick, I got typhoid about 10 years ago and had to spend a couple of days in hospital, and I sometimes think that experience may well have improved my natural immunity.....I think sometimes that our good intentions might be having adverse effects on the long term wellbeing of the population generally. I encourage kids to "eat" a bit of dirt, and worry when I see parents do the exact opposite.
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