vote in the poll for harvesting rain, page-46

  1. 11,875 Posts.
    "What 'country pollies'"

    - the ones in country electorates Moby, you know, outside of the city

    the tax treatment of primary producers is more favourable than other businesses

    also farmers often have drought relief packages as well

    I have never seen a pollie so tongue tied when during the 9/11 aftermath a small tourist operator asked for his handout in their downturn, just like the farmers drought relief that was being handed out at the very same time.

    this is what I mean

    "let the land go back to pasture or urban development (or even just wasteland)."

    how about just wilderness like it was in the first place?

    Once again I have no gripe against farmers or food production and research. I have a gripe with politicians, unbalanced representation and the balance of government spending

    also, we have plenty of food for domestic consumption and then some, we don't need to produce more for export using up more water

    "And if you go historically, then the government has certainly invested squillions in communications infrastructure from which the IT sector benefits greatly."

    this is just a telstra anonomoly, we had government running our comms for too long

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