DEG 1.52% $1.95 de grey mining limited

Ann: AMP:Update on Collimate Capital domestic business, page-39

  1. 4,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6752
    Morning all.
    Great video and some interesting points.
    We know that Brolga will be the starter pit and very obvious why.
    ALL deposits are open at depth.
    We did get a grade increase at Eagle-Diucon from 0.9 to 1.4 g/t which is 50% so the growth there was very rapid and is set to continue.
    A little after the 2 min mark, Andy mentions that Eagle is open laterally to the west.
    We all know what we are expecting to the west, remember those old ac holes from around the same time as the discovery hole?
    We are about to see just how much more is lying in that region and what grades.
    With Brolga at 1.3 and Eagle just above that, we could see some dramatic growth in that westerly exploration.
    Another important fact is the discovery cost at $10/ res oz and $17 for indicated category.

    Bargain sp currently and there are so many bargains to be had, imho.
    Kind regards, Wack
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