VIL verus investments limited

vilo options, page-49

  1. 31 Posts.
    Hi All,

    Due to the 'noise'(forgive my choice of words) above, I'd like to be 100% certain as to what we're dealing with in VILO.


    In January I buy..
    VIL = 0.05 cents
    VILO = 0.005 cents

    In June the market is showing the following prices..
    VIL = 0.15 cents
    VILO = 0.015 cents, with VIL, I've made 0.10 cents. With VILO i've made 0.045 cents after paying 0.10 cents to obtain the shares(ie: cost of 1 share is what I payed for VILO(0.005) + 0.10 cents).

    I don't see the attraction with the options. If you have to pay 0.10 cents to get the share, then where's the incentive?
    Sorry to harp on this ladies and gents.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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