This God isn’t real…!!?, page-168

  1. 5,517 Posts.
    That's not accurate.
    Before the reformation scientists who contradicted some prevailing church doctrine were quite often severely dealt with. This is a fact of history. I'm not going it because it is out there for all to see.

    Not really as science was at its foundations back then, they didn't know much just basics and even scientist themselves struggled among themselves, the Church was no different, and had to draw the line from what it knew and venturing into another alien field

    Aquinas famously said all truth comes from God, no matter where its found, and that was in the 1300 and is one of the greatest saints so I'll rest my case here

    We still see some overhangs of this with science that deals with aspects of evolution - and not only biological evolution.
    There is no problem overhangs of evolution with the CC

    Science as a "force of its own" was as essential as the separation of state and church was.

    That's quite true, and I have no problems with that, I'm all for it

    The reformation did have some negative aspects - it was the product of humans so that is not surprising.
    You seem to focus only on the negative.

    I have absolutely no problems with all the negative sides, what I'm against is the repercussions of what we have excepted from these thinker that we implemented in our everyday culture which is causing just about the fall of humanity of today, as it seems you agree with my take re your "The reformation did have some negative aspects" like you said we are all human and I have no problems with that as we humans learn from our mistakes, and I'm a great believer in that's how we learn and move forward

    And that also works both ways you seem to focused on the negative of religion

    Sure, there was scientific progress prior to the reformation especially if it didn't contradict church teachings, but not as prolific as was the case leading from the reformation when science became free of church control.

    The CC of that time need reformation and it was in the process of getting to it from within the church, yes one can draw a ??? if it would've happened, but like I said above it was a difficult time in those days for the church and even science. itself
    We don't know what would've happened with science, but yes, maybe you are correct as there was a big push for science after it was adopted as its mantra by the enlightenment.

    No there wasn't a great push for science after the reformation, that was a push to take everything from the church teaching and theology and moving it to Protestantism many views

    What protestant has done is taking the ship from the captain and created many captains for little boats adding to confusions we see today especially in governments finding hard to function as there are to many captains exerting their views on it
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