Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-87780

  1. 18,551 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 189
    @Margaret63 - men dressing up as women, women with excessive make-up all give me the heebee-jeeebeeeeees - sorry!

    I only get a laugh when I try (in my mind) to transpose the same get-up onto the body of an animal, say a pig or a cow, and then have a laugh and ask the question:
    'why do humans have to adorn their bodies in those outrageous fashions?" - but then there is 'Miss Piggy' ? and she is funny and sweet
    - Aaw, I don't know frown.png

    and Miss Heard? is she Johnny's ex? we were all a lot more beautiful when young, she is now older and somewhat bitter - a smile makes such a difference to a human face -
    and today's fashions give you so many options for taste lapses, too; it's easy to do the wrong thing, have the wrong hair style.
    One lady I find totally elegant, all of the time, is Janice Pederson, one of the presenters on SBS, though there are many pretty girls on TV - less so the men. Why aren't women catered for visually on TV?.

    My latest fashion dislike are those false top eyelashes some women feel they have to stick on; they look like they have caterpillars stuck on their eyelids - and also the plastic fingernails - plastic everywhere, in fact smile.pngmad.png

    Yet I love fashion, have favourite historic periods i would rather have been born into - say the time of the 'Medicis' in Northern Italy . . . and yes, men did have longish hair in those days, especially when young and they would have looked a bit like characters from 'The Pirates of the Caribbean'.
    Dream on, dear Lady

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