BRICS, page-2

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    BRICS is simply another globalist project.

    But there was another assembly of globalist super-gophers that took place last week. Didn't hear about it? That's not surprising. This conference—unlike the flashier Davos or Bilderberg or NATO meetings—barely gets any mention at all in the Western press, MSM or independent.

    Many know that "BRICS" is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the states that comprise the membership of this alliance.A few might even know that it was originally BRIC—South Africa not joining the group until 2010, the year after the inaugural BRIC summit.But how many people know where the idea for a BRICS (or even a BRIC) grouping originated? Not that many, I'd venture to say.

    the BRICS grouping was not the brainchild of some diplomat or politician who found some connecting thread uniting these seemingly unrelated states. Nor was it the spontaneous decision of the countries' leaders to unite around a specific cause.No, the BRIC concept was first proposed in a Goldman Sachs white paper called "Building Better Global Economic BRICs," where Goldman's then-chief economist, Jim O'Neill, identified Brazil, Russia, India and China as the world's four fastest-growing developing nations and suggested that "world policymaking forums should be re-organised" to reflect this fact. (BONUS FACT: Jim O'Neill is now chair of the Chatham House Council, another fact that Corbett Report University students will understand the significance of.)

    Of course, the fact that the BRICS actually originated in a Goldman Sachs white paper is not in and of itself reason for suspicion of the grouping. To argue such would be to employ the genetic fallacy. But, as I have pointed out time and time again, that is most assuredly not the only reason to be suspicious of claims—frequently heard in certain quarters of the suspiciously pro-Putin and pro-Xi "independent" media—that the BRICS are actually some sort of anti-globalist organization.For instance, in Phony Opposition: The Truth About the BRICS, I noted that the BRICS' New Development Bank (NDB)—touted in those same pro-Putin/pro-Xi circles as an alternative to the International Monetary Fund (IMF)/World Bank mafia—is in fact staffed by the head stooges of that very IMF/World Bank mafia.

    Much more at the link.
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