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    The mainstream media's "fact checker" industry is such a transparent scam it would be laughable were it not so effective as a propaganda tool.

    The sad reality is that most people are duped by the government's propaganda, which the mainstream media happily propagate as though conducting journalism.

    While the "fact checkers" rely on the CDC to falsely declare various truths about COVID-19 vaccines to be "misinformation", it is the CDC itself that is the greatest purveyor of vaccine disinformation.

    For instance, I got banned from LinkedIn for repeatedlytelling the truththat the CDC has bald-facedly liedthat natural immunity is inferior to that induced by COVID-19-vaccines.

    To demonstrate that the CDC's claim was false, all I had to do was to cite the CDC's own data, which clearly showed that natural immunity conferred greater protection than being fully vaccinated.

    It didn't matter to LinkedIn that the CDC's own researchers admitted this in a study published in the CDC's journalMMWR. For accurately reporting the findings of that study, which directly falsify the CDC's earlier claim that vaccine-induced immunity is superior, I had my account suspended.

    After having repeatedly pointed out to LinkedIn in vain that my posts were truthful and supported by the CDC's own data, I am still awaiting a decision from LinkedIn about whether that suspension will be permanent.

    Examples of the CDC's official disinformation abound, but you willneversee one of these so-called "fact checkers" correcting its false claims. Truth is censored while official disinformation is approved, illustrating the dogmatism ofthe vaccine religion.

    Remember how the CDC claimed that its data showed that school mask mandates were effective at reducing COVID-19 case counts? Lay commentators pointed out at the time that the CDC was cherry-picking its data to support its predetermined conclusion, but researchers from the University of Toronto went further and actually reproduced the CDC's findings.

    By following the CDC's own methodology but extending the duration of observation and including data from more counties,they invalidated the CDC's conclusions, demonstrating scientifically how the CDC had indeed cherry-picked data to claim that school mask mandates were effective when in fact they had no observable effect on case rates.

    I could spend all day providing examples of CDC vaccine disinformation -- indeed, I have spent years now exposing it -- but I'll present just one more example for my purpose here.

    On its website, the CDC makes the followingclaims:
    The mRNA and the spike protein do not last long in the body.

    • Our cells break down mRNA from these vaccines and get rid of it within a few days after vaccination.

    • Scientists estimate that the spike protein, like other proteins our bodies create, may stay in the body up to a few weeks.
    In fact, scientists have shown that both vaccine mRNA and vaccine-induced spike protein can persist in the bodyfor months.

    It is inconceivable that the CDC is not aware of this research, which has been published in top journals, but the CDC persists in lying to the public anyway.

    Moreover, the "fact checkers" then cite the CDC's disinformation as the basis for hypocritically accusing truth-tellers of spreading "vaccine misinformation".

    So remember, when you see the "fact checkers" lying to the public in service to the government and its policy aim of achieving high vaccination rates, they are simply following the example set by the CDC itself.

    In case you missed my most recent article, on how the "fact check" organizationHealth Feedbackpropagates the same disinformation presented by the CDC above, here is the link:
    Also stay tuned for a major article I'm working onexposing the FDA's scientifically fraudulent emergency use authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for infants and toddlers.

    That the FDA's ostensible "risk-benefit analysis" is based on scientific fraud is not surprising. Par for the course. However, what is shocking even to me is just howbrazenlythe FDA is now perpetrating scientific fraud in service to the pharmaceutical industry.

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