australian houses 'world's least affordable', page-26

  1. 2,801 Posts.

    So where i live (45k's S/E from Melbourne CBD) we are in the so-called growth corridor, its an absolute RAT RACE, if you actually took a microscopic look at the way live our lives out here you'd swear we were stupid. We have only one freeway accessible to the city and they have plans for tens of thousands of new homes to be built in these new estates pegged out. There is no new roads being built yet we have cheap housing estate after cheap housing estate put up.
    How in hell are these people supposed to GET to work and WHERE are the jobs they're supposed to be going to??
    New manufacturing jobs are virtually non-existent, there's very little local industry at all to speak of. I just dont understand the governments planning... It seems to be... push all the low-income earners out to the outer suburbs, give them no infrastructure to earn a living, hit them up for riduculous amounts of stamp duty tax and let them struggle under the burden of high mortgages, traffic jams and low employment.

    Why is our Government so obsessed with property and are they in bed with the big 4 banks?? you know only 14% of germans actually own their own home, most people in Europe get on with the business of living their lives, we spend all weekend at bbq's discussing house prices, its getting beyond a joke we've become so Americanised its painful.

    And the cheek of the banks today.. " we may not pass on the reserves official interest rate rise forthcoming "

    Gee thanks.

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