Aborigines, page-445

  1. 17,734 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    lol. Well given that I have extended family living in New Zealand who are Māori (ngati te wharetoa for the most part) I can tell you that they don’t always feel their culture is cherished. They regularly report on racial profiling and the challenges in getting a lot of basics met and micro and more obvious aggressions towards their culture.

    that doesn’t mean that things aren’t in place that might seem better - Māori is an official language and has been since around 1987. They properly fund kohunga rep (language nests) and nzers have a special
    place for the haka and kapa haka. But calling that cherished really is a bit of an exaggeration

    oh btw I don’t claim to know it all so your retort at the end of your post is churlish and childish. Don’t you like people having a different opinion from you on some things. Of course your retort also suggest you think you know better but there we are maybe you are just indulging in projection.

    Last edited by Parsifal: 25/07/22
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