Anglophone Crisis

  1. 385 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 20
    To prove my point that no one cares about poor countries fighting and killing each other.

    Let take a look at a current crisis in Cameroon.

    It has been going on since 2017 yet no one on HC has made mention of it.

    I expect the Anglophone crisis numbers to be much higher but they state the following.

    separatists claimed that between 5,000 and 10,000 people had been killed

    Lets look at civilian deaths in comparison to the Ukraine war.

    United nations state that roughly 5000 civilians have died.

    So please tell me, why does no one car about africa?

    why are you all so caring about Ukraine? Is it because Ukraine is a wealthy country ?

    And Africa is such a poor continent?

    Typical human mentality, care for the rich , not the poor.

    Two of the most richest people on earth ( Musk and Bezos) are spending 100's of billion trying to get to Mars.

    Imagine investing that on earth to help these poor nations.

    Fix earth before you try run away from earth's problems to set a new colony on Mars.

    You will have the exact same problems we face on earth.

    I bet you this post what even get 10 replies, yet The Russia Ukraine has nearly 50000.

    Stop worrying so much about whats happening to rich people. worry whats happening to poor people.

    Just because you have more money than someone doesnt make you any better than them.

    I'll leave one last point, look at the second congo war over 5 million people died and no one cared much at all.

    I hope my words can at least open someones eyes a bit more than just following heard mentality.

    Same thing with the covid vaccine, everyone saying get it get it get it. It will stop the spread, it will stop the severity of it.

    Well what did it achieve, you can still get the virus, and they will say "oh but it stops the severity of it" yet they still die from it. And then they say you need a booster. hahaha

    Cant you guys see whats happened, imagine how much tax payers money governments around the world have spent on vaccines.

    I would love to know the total figure governments have spent on it! it would be in the trillions.

    And where does all that money go to? The rich.

    Again going back to my original point (cameroon conflict) The rich are greedy that just want more and more money. They cant make money from us on the cameroon conflict hence why they dont care about whats happening in africa.

    One day you will all have a reality check.

    Money does not make you happy, as long as you have enough for food,housing , shelter who cares how much you have.

    Yet people like Elon musk seem to think he needs more and more money.

    Trust me his life wont change if he had 100 billion or 10 billion.... he still has same lifestyle. Go use the 90 billion to change the world.

    anyways thats enough of my rant

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