Coincidences and the Meaning of Life, page-32

  1. 385 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 20
    im not naive, ive seen the truth and light.

    I have bipolar and have had 3 insane manic psychotic episodes,

    first i thought i was jesus, second i thought i was God, And the last one i thought i was the creator of bitcoin.

    So trust me i learn through experience not through what ive been told.

    Just like psychologists want to label me as bipolar, they diagnose through the DSM.

    Mental health is a state of mind nothing more.

    Anyone can pretend they have mental health, you cant pretend you have a broken arm because thats physical. mental health there is so blood test or physical test.

    So you can call me crazy ,tell me to take my meds all you want, but i know the truth because ive experienced it.

    You have not gone through my 3 manic episodes.

    I can only teach others what my views are on everything about life, if you dont agree or call me crazy thats fine it doesnt bother me.

    I have zero ego!, im not worried about what you think of me or label me because i know who i am and what the truth is.

    Hey ill even embarrass myself to you even more(embarrass in your eyes not mine)

    Im 40, divorced , live with my parents.

    I have 0 net worth, and i play video games and gamble all day.

    So yes to society im a loser, but let them label me that. They dont know whats on my inside and how big my heart is.

    If i win money share it out.

    The other day i deposited 500 and won 7000.

    I gave out over $2000 AUD to others(below stats are in USD, photo below)

    Very few people would give out like i did and i already know 99% of people on HC would not do the same.

    Because unlike most gamblers (including people that invest in speculative mining stocks ) i know im going to lose my money.

    I dont care about that, i dont need to sugar coat it, but i dont need money so i do it for fun and to try and win so that i can give to others.

    I can imagine someone like you is trying to chase millions, millions is not what we need my friend.

    As long as we have enough for food, clothing , and shelter who cares if ur bank balance says 100k or 100 million

    As in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 5 said

    You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." 9But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.

    So you can think whatever you want about me and mock my views all you want.

    Im an open book mate, as i said i have zero ego, zero image.

    99% of people on HC would not say what their net worth is and i know thats you included.

    No point challenging you to, because you have too much ego and worried what others will think about you.

    Now is all on HC that im a loser gamber with 0 net worth.

    So what, doesnt phase me one bit.

    Ill leave you with this famous quote:

    "Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you.” ― Cynthia Kersey
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