how to make the median meaningful, page-7

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    article this week stated some buyers are visitng 60 open houses over 6 months looking to buy....

    you dont think those people can assess the value of a property after 60 different houses were inspected...
    what is their problem.....

    I guess if they went looking in their price range they may have more success...

    when I am in the market....I may look at 1/2 a dozen...but I am very careful when I select what I am looking for....I
    could not imagine looking at 60....

    I usually do not haggle... I pay the price requested....
    otherwise what is the point of the exercise

    no one has a gun at my head to buy....the agent means nothing to me....except to hand me the contract.....

    all this rubbish about agents and the RE industry.....
    nothing to stop the buyer from making an offer, the seller has the choice to accept or decline...

    its no different than going to safeway to select what you want....

    I know a 30 something...we both looked at the same house with about 30 others at the open....I decided the price was right and signed the contract....
    He wanted the house but did not like the price.....he thought it was worth about 2/3rds of the asking price

    5 years later he has decided that he will now pay double the price that I paid.....but the market states its worth more....and not on the market anyway...
    In the meantime he has racked up some more credit cards and bought a new he cannot get a loan for the amount anyway...
    his mum and dad are a bit sick of him living at home....they would like to sell and downsize....but feel they are stuck until he moves out
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