Try towing a van with an EV, page-89

  1. 41 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    Your post is so full of errors and assumptions. You obviously didn't bother reading any of those reports, or dyor elsewhere.

    CO2 is the most important pollutant, as it is warming the planet. That is why we tend to concentrate on it.

    Plastics will kill most things. Excessive CO2 in the atmosphere causes global warming = weather extremes (heat/cold/fire/flood/ice) will kill 99% of all life on Earth (major extinction level event). Don't try and argue with that... it's happened before.
    Sustained heating is associated with the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, the Triassic-Jurassic extinction, and the Permian-Triassic extinction.

    For the next couple of hundred years, that will materialise as:
    - more frequently occuring and more extreme (stronger) weather events
    = less food production (crops and animals die in extreme weather, strangely enough)... this excacerbates over time btw (gets worse and worse).
    = wars over resources (food and water). Stronger nations will invade and take over weaker nations who have more food growing capabilities/land.
    = (and also at the same time) massive displacements of people..... if Indonesian farms etc get wiped out because of climate change, where do you think they will try and get to first??
    = more pressure on dwindling food resources = mass starvation/inflation/etc.

    The Ocean is taking the brunt of CO2 absorption, and is nearly full. It's making the oceans much more acidic, which in turn is inhibiting all the shelled creatures from growing shells, making them die off easily (as no protection from the elements). The basis of the entire ocean food chain is Krill, a shrimp-like creature which has... a shell. If the krill all die off because they can't grow shells due to acidification.... most other sea creatures starve.

    Ever see the movie "The Road" with Viggo Mortensen.... that's the future if we don't do our best to halt climate change (bear in mind it's like a massive train heading towards a cliff.... braking even now (Net Zero emissions today) won't stop things getting worse.... just stop us falling over the cliff into an extinction level event). Anyone who thinks climate change isn't going to affect them, their children, grand-children and great-grandchildren is wrong. Honestly, the longer it takes to get to net zero, the more of your descendants will die due to the effects of climate change. I wish I were exaggurating.

    ICE and EV's are fully recyclable at the end of their life. They found there's no real discernible difference between them and their environmental impact. Nothing goes to landfill (except maybe the oil/fluids from ICE, and some plastics (though most plastics in EV's are recyclable... it's a marketing advantage)).

    Tyres are an issue with ALL vehicles, not just EV's, so I don't know why you are bringing it up as if it's an EV only issue. But... there are some companies working on making tyres much more environmentally friendly. It is a massive problem, as micro-particles are thrown from tyres ALL the time, and mostly end up in the rivers and oceans.

    As for your other question...
    "And so I ask you this. Do you *really think* this time is going to be different?
    And are the *components of EV's* really better for the environment?".

    Nothing is perfect. But you have to start somewhere and improve things incrementally over time. Already, EV's are FAR better over their lifetime than ICE. They can only get better (especially if Australia brings in emissions standards and stops us from being the dumping ground of polluting cars they aren't allowed to sell elsewhere).

    And yes, EV components are already much better for the environment (vegan leather, battery minerals etc.). Nearly all recyclable at the end of their lives. At the very very least, every time I drive my Leaf, I'm not only saving money (I smile every time I drive past a petrol station), I'm also not contributing tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere every year.

    Anyway, you probably won't bother believing any of this. Please do your own research from respected scientific sites or other respected sources... not QAnon, Murdoch media (inc The Sun), Breitbart, InfoWars etc.
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