Top Secret docs recovered from Trump, page-268

  1. 60,752 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    I am on record saying Trump would be indicted before the end of the year and it was looking like it would be an indictment from DA in Georgia but this document thing looks like an indictment may come sooner.

    I am wondering if DoJ have a strategy were they hit Trump with indictments for mishandling classified documents, it would soften up his supporters ahead of indictment for the criminal efforts trying to over turn the election result.

    I say that because up until more recently there was question on if DoJ where even investigating Trump, then Garland made it pretty clear the DoJ would hold all accountable that tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.

    So this document issue seem to come out of left field, but not completely. We now know DoJ have been trying to retrieve these documents for a while.

    LOL I wonder how many Trump worshippers will go MIA now, pints has already indicated he will and @jambo12 looks to have lowered his efforts

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