hc donation pledge, page-47

  1. 1,674 Posts.
    t o d a y' s b o n u s j o k e
    > >>
    > >>A guy had a bad case of hemorrhoids, so he decided to go see his
    > >>doctor.
    > >>
    > >>The doctor says, "It's not too bad, you just need to put these
    > >>suppositories up your ass. I'll give you the first dose, and you
    > >>can have your wife give you the second one this evening."
    > >>
    > >>"Okay" The man replies "anything to relieve this pain"
    > >>
    > >>He drops his pants, bends over and allows the doctor to do his
    > >>job.
    > >>
    > >>Later that evening he tells his wife what the doctor said and
    > >>asks her help with the second dose. She tells him to bend over,
    > >>puts one hand on his shoulder and prepares to insert the
    > >>suppository.
    > >>
    > >>All of the sudden the guy screams, "Oh My God!!"
    > >>
    > >>"What's wrong?" asks his wife
    > >>
    > >>The man replies, "I just realized - he had both his hands on my
    > >>shoulders!!"
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