paganism and the new age in australia, page-60

  1. 7,453 Posts.

    So this Father of Jesus was his Indian guru, who sent him on a mission. Just a theory but much more realistic than thinking Jesus some evolved from Judaism.

    rolling on the ground laughing at this one,your a card

    john 17.5 jesus said glorify me ,with the glory i had with thine own self with theglory which i had with thee before the world was

    john 1.1 in the beggining the word was with god and the word was god

    for a good work we accuse you not,but that you maketh yourself to be the son of god

    twist it what ever way you want vaylarma,bottom line is,jesus was who he said he was,the son of god and the messiah,or the greatest liar that ever lived.because thats what the controversy was about,who he said he was mate

    not what you make it to be,and i also know that most will laugh at who he said he was,the jews put him on the cross for this comment,so i hardly think as you claim i believe that the jews have any claim to holyness anymore they rejected him as spoken would happen in daniel9.25-27but i know they are wasted words because you know little of jesus mission nor want to know another point of veiw,there was no new testement in existence,so jesus had to confront the jewish leaders with their own ot scriptures and he beat them by his knowledge of them and understanding from studying them not the hodoo gurus as you claim,bible prophecy is the key vay,it proves history was fortold before it happened,no bargwan can match that
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