daytrades feb 16 afternoon, page-10

  1. 23,992 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Highlandlad, to do the html, I can't write it as is, or it'll go into a red cross here!

    So - first make the new thread - and in THREAD view (not your single post) copy the address from the address this case it would be:

    The html is: a href=

    with that section enclosed in the less than and more than braqckets - the write what you want to, such as Afternoon thread link and close it off with /a enclosed in the less than and more than brackets.

    Give it a preview first, to make sure it's worked!

    If you can't get it - you can let me have an email contact and I'll send it "AS IS" so that I can use the brackets too...
arrow-down-2 Created with Sketch. arrow-down-2 Created with Sketch.