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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    "You call people antivaxxers, and muppets. I am not the former, as I have had vaccinations such as rabies shot (x3), and yellow fever etc."

    Thats a copout.
    You are an anti-vaxxer regardless of your vaxx status if you encourage vaccine hesitancy.

    "Now, these previous vaccinations I have taken, have had a history of data supplied with them, and I was willing to take them as I felt I had all the information I needed at the time to make a conscious (and comfortable) decision."

    I dont buy that.
    mRNA vaccines have been studied and developed for 30 years. The line about insufficient testing is what antivaxxers like to believe but it's untrue.

    "I then am told that I am not allowed to be a part of society, because despite me leading a quiet life and not interacting with general society that much, I am a 'bad boy' because I didn't do what I was 'told'. As an adult, they (government) failed in their due diligence to inform me of the possible consequences, or the alternative treatments at the time. They also failed to tell the general public about keeping fit, healthy, what vitamins are important for this etc. regardless of what you decide to do regarding taking the 'medication'."

    That's a selfish attitude.
    Covid was novel and we were at war with an unknown enemy. You would have been imprisoned or shot as a traitor to your country during WW2 with that attitude.

    "I then am told that I am not allowed to be a part of society, because despite me leading a quiet life and not interacting with general society that much, I am a 'bad boy' because I didn't do what I was 'told'. As an adult, they (government) failed in their due diligence to inform me of the possible consequences, or the alternative treatments at the time. They also failed to tell the general public about keeping fit, healthy, what vitamins are important for this etc. regardless of what you decide to do regarding taking the 'medication'."

    Typical of self-centred narcissists you want your cake and to eat it too. Society requires a higher level of cohesion during a crisis.

    "The distrust stems from, there NEVER being an open scientific debate between the two camps of those 'for' and 'against' the 'medication'. The aforementioned legal immunity for manufacturers despite there being no long term data or any information of what these things contain. The question still remains why did one manufacturer try to hide their data for 75 years???"

    More self indulgent martydom.
    Its about my rights and any excuse to do what I please will do.
    Our government was satisfied about the requirements and standards fir vaccine use.

    "Another point of distrust stems from the fact that any alternative point of view, was hounded down and swiftly removed from public view on public platforms. If alternative points of view are not allowed, what does that say about the presiding 'authority' on such matters, if they cannot back up their stance by defending themselves logically against alternative points of view, instead of bringing down the 'censored' gavel on them?"

    You could have tried that during WW2 and seen how much sympathy you'd receive.

    Last edited by RedCedar: 01/09/22
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