FML focus minerals ltd

campbell baird interview at symposium roadshow, page-35

  1. 92,363 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    Hi all,

    I know most of the fluff of this thread is trying to be about fml - but really - I don't think the guts of it has a damm thing to do with fml at the moment.

    SP wise,
    I just went thru a pretty extensive list of small gold companies and the vast majority of them are drifting downward or sideways at best - they just look like the batteries are a bit flat at present.
    fml is no different.

    There is the odd one on the up but not too many at all.

    My take is that it is just a time thing - accumulate if you want and have the cash - or wait this out.

    have a good arvo.


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Mkt cap ! $55.87M
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