Is Russia actually losing the war?, page-96

  1. 38,088 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 501

    Ukraine bans opposition parties in the elections.
    this is another lie you cannot substantiate SIMPLY BECAUSE IT'S UNTRUE !

    Nuland never said the $5 bill dollars was for the coup - there's your lie - the $5 bill was spent on agricultural projects and such like was psent AND WAS SPENT OVER 20 YEARS !
    This is something RT first misrepresented and was picked up by faithful lieing acolytes .
    here's the support

    But you encourage violence for violences sake . This coup was two elections back and if you want I can show you the oppositions votes on each occasion ... why did you lie about the opposition being allowed to vote ?

    You have posted outright lies on more than one occasion and failed to support them - you are a poor christian if you are one and a liar and a hypocrite .
    and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
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