Russia Ukraine war, page-62699

  1. 73 Posts.
    It's so frustrating reading comments about this war. Most have no clue about the history of the region or what started this whole conflict and who is fighting who and why. What you hear and on the popular heavily controlled media is absolute garbage. And that goes for all civilian sides involved.

    Crap has been brewing for decades all because of power plays and profit seeking and actual war and genocide was already ongoing for 8 years before any of us even heard of Donbass on the news.

    Some contributing factors as I see it:

    The Donetsk-Krivoy Rog autonomous region as preamble to the cultural identity tensions in the region
    The replacement of Yanukovych by U.S with their own puppet after he repeatedly refused to engage in cooperative military ops against Russia
    The Nord Stream pipeline deal bypassing Ukraine reducing the transit fees paid to Ukraine and freeing Russia from U.S influence in the region, not to mention cheaper gas for Europe strengthening Russian ties
    The resulting 8 year war as Obama-encouraged nazis got triggered about losing their strategic importance and funding
    The expanded plan to destabilize Crimea to take control of the Russian naval base there
    NATOs push to have another Kosovo with it's juicy human and drug trafficking profits
    Russia's push to avoid another Kosovo and resulting problems (apparently murder of civilians is not important enough, but profiteering on your borders cannot be tolerated)
    Western media pumping up the anti-Russia hype, completely overlooking NATO mercenaries, weapons and military contracts dominating the battlefield.
    European leaders mostly puppets now reneging 360 on their earlier deals with the impending utilities crisis in their countries and dumping wealth abroad, further screwing their countries. Not to mention some already have foreign passports which is illegal to begin with. Seriously you cant can't make this up.
    The start of an overdue deleveraging event now underway in global markets. Everything will take a hit even empires now scrambling to take positions and this war is no different. Check Italy's current debt, if it falls all of Europe goes under. Ripe for the picking. According to plan some may say.
    Nobody has clean hands and has own motives and agenda. China patiently waiting out the storm as it's held hostage by British Banks in full control of their stock market on one side, but eager to revive economy though aggressive expansion as all other methods fail.

    I don't know man its exciting and horrifying at the same time. Ukraine is a hotspot of a much larger system failure under stress. But it could just be the straw that breaks the camels back.

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