value your opinion, finacial guru's needed

  1. 5,069 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2306
    Hi Guys,

    I am actually wanting your serious opinion on this... Please if you have genuine input on the following I would love to hear from you... If your here cause you just genuinely dislike me can you just give me a break and leave this thread alone, Cheers...

    Ok Guys check this out:

    I have 2 clients that would like me to trade there super funds, I have explained the high risks of trading etc, they are fully aware that they could lose a good portion of there money, however I have shown them my trading strategy and they are more then happy to go along with it. Everything is above board, know the inn's and outs regarding the tax office etc etc and DIY super funds...

    For my services this is what agreement I have come to with both parties, I would love to ask you all what you think of it, is it fair, is it unfair?

    I will use an example of say $30,000 to trade on there behalf.

    The agreement is that I do not get a single cent until I have made them 100%, As soon as the portfolio reaches 100%+ I am to sell the shares and return $30,000 back to there original super fund leaving me a float of 30K+ (total profits) to trade on there behalf.... My Fee is 20% only of the profits, nothing to do with the capital, so for the first trade making 30K profit entitles me to 6K... I have to pay tax on this don't forget, so after tax I make just over 3K... after the first trade and paying myself that leaves a float of 24K...

    I then go on to trade the 24K as I like, there is a trailing stop loss of 30% for the float (.. 7200 loss, leaving $16800 locked in) as soon as the 30%loss is hit, doesn't matter at what stage of the trading I am to sell and its all over, never will I trade on there behalf again, even if they wanted me to.... If the 30% loss is even hit on the original 30K this means they have lost 9K and I don't get a single cent and its all over as well...

    Lets say all goes well and I make a futher 50% on the 24K from the original profits in there account and I think its time to cash in, that would turn out as follows:

    $24,000 capital (100% profits from previous trade)
    $12,000 profit made from second investment (50%gain)

    $36,000 total

    $2400 is my fee,20% of the profit only less income tax

    leaving them with a float of $33600, trailing stop loss has now been lifted as the capital has been lifted.. trailing stop at 30% leaves them a secure $23,520 profit.

    So as time goes by and say my strategy consistently works then I am forever increasing there investment while paying myself 20% along the way for each profit I lock in, if over all portfolio is down say 20% and I have cashed in some of the shares at a profit I still get paid, this will only stops if the 30% stop loss has been hit on the over all capital...

    Hopefully I have explained this enough.. do you think this is fair, understand they don't have a clue of trading, they don't research, they don't press a single button, I up date them as news comes out and keep them informed at where there portfolio is sitting week by week.. There is obvious stress involved being in full control of some one else's money, plus I have to pay full income tax on my profits(fee')... Being that their investment is super funds they only have to pay 15% of the profits at the end of the financial year...

    So what do you think guys, value your opinion.

    thanks heaps in advance
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