The natural events that have been occurring over the period when an observed increase in global average temperatures do not explain the increase.
This is what thousands of scintists have concluded thorugh the Intergovernmental Panel on CLimate Change.
Many dispute the findings of the IPCC for political, ideologecial, scientific, sceptical, ethical and many other reasons.
Many believe the policy response of world governemnts is unconscianble, unreasonable, unethical and unneeccesary.
Many believe the market response is predatory and innefecient.
THe issue has moved from debate to argument and lost all ratioanilty, become asinine and irrelevent.
Instead of being the greatest ever generation of humanity we descend into bickerign and argument over an issue that could have implicaitons for all future generaitons.
In the absence of a coordinated comprehensive body of work either dispelling the findings of the IPCC or proving the climate is stable or the variations observed or not observed in climate are explained by solar, celestial, tectonic or other antural forces the only precautionary manner in which a rational being would be behave would be to act to stop known or percieved causes.