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XJO - Bear Posts only (Factors which might cause the markets to fall), page-5964

  1. 10,631 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 534
    You really should stop reading social media (and believing it), it is not a source of reliable information. And, stop trying to justify the actions of other nations based on your western perspective. It is why we always get China wrong trying to understand them based on our own Western values. Now to answer your questions:

    "Good luck with China crashing the Western economies which still remains the largest in the world"

    No actually we are crashing on our own we just don't see it. If you remember what Russia and China both said openly a few months ago, that when the west crashed after borrowing and spending all that money China would be the number one economy. That is on public record. They just let us do it to ourselves.

    "without crashing their own economy they've spent 2 decades building"

    They built that economy for 2 decades for the sole purpose of being number 1, look at the military build up, you think that's just for fun or show? Would they crash it? Yes if it gave them dominance. China are long term thinkers in generational terms, we barely think a day ahead. Westerners are clueless to how they think cause we wouldn't sacrifice a breakfast.

    "Why do you think China have openly stated they want the war to end and warned Putin against escalating this to nuclear a months ago when they've been quiet ever since the invasion?"

    Its called propaganda, who do you think is helping them and why our sanctions have been so limited in effect? Why has China continued to reaffirm their support for Russia and continue to refer to them as their number one ally? What you are describing is simply politics, say one thing do another.

    " Xi has seen what has happened to Putin first hand"

    What happened exactly? Economy is fine they actually making more now with the higher oil prices. The entire West is using the Ukraine as a proxy war and running out of weapons as both the US and EU have openly said (read up on it). And apparently Russia has been losing this war from week 2 but somehow got over 20 percent of the country. Western propaganda?

    "Because it also starting to affect their economy and even more so as they've still not open post the pandemic like the other countries."

    Sorry to say but you have that wrong. They are an economy onto themselves we are not. We need them a lot more than they need us. Maybe ask the question, if they stay shut who really suffers? I can tell you since they make pretty much everything for the rest of the world we suffer a lot more than them and we are (hint hint?).

    "If China does invade Taiwan, I dare say there will be more concerning matter then the stock market for us especially since the US government has stated they will intervene if China does invade Taiwan."

    If China invades Taiwan the US will do nothing except talk just as they have done in Ukraine. Funny they scared of Russia so believe me they terrified of China. Why do you think they working so hard to undermine them through chip restrictions and sanctioning Chinese companies? Hence once open China will retaliate in kind, always do.

    P.S. West can barely mobilize troops anymore with all this PC stuff, you think China has the same issue? They will never engage them directly. My reference to Rome is accurate if you ever studied history especially the social changes we seeing in the West now, won't happen tomorrow of course but we are coming to and end slowly (hint greed is the reason).
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