1. 18,157 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    @zipperlip I cannot believe that a self-educated man like you hasn't done his homework on this -
    yes the early versions of the jab were not fully tested, they caused some people to fall ill etc. - but we have come a long way since then and not everyone has the luxury of living in splendid isolation like some of you do who post on here.

    My family is fully vaccinated - and yet, because 2 of them work intensely with the public - one is a TAFE teacher, dealing with young undisciplined people of low educational standards - and even though he is vaccinated, he has caught Covid from them, was sick for 4 days, but got through it o.k. - no after effects, none from the vaccination and none from his actual Covid experience - he probably caught one of the later varieties. His wife, my daughter, is also exposed to the public in her job - always wears a mask at work, but is a little sensitive to colds etc. - so she caught it off her husband, was sick, but not as long as he.

    The initial Covid strain was virulent, particularly dangerous to older people, overweight people, people who had other health problems and it was highly infectious. Subsequent strains seem to be more adaptive, and have been getting less virulent - so you will eventually be proven right, that you don't need to be vaccinated. I hope your children are vaccinated.
    Again talking about the kind of people who do get sick:
    .... how many people living in today's civilisation eat bad diets, are overweight, have an addiction problem, have bad drinking habits etc. etc. are so abounding in good health, they can afford to have no protection?

    I haven't followed this thread, because i think it is futile - but you probably know that over in the states the anti-Covid vaccination campaigners are simply people of a contrarian mind, who seem to suffer from all kinds of delusions, believing themselves to be persecuted, etc. etc. are supportes of the Orange Man etc.

    Similarly in Europe there seem to be groupings of people who are 'anti' everything, because they feel left out, or simply suffer from an inferiority complex and believe that everything is stacked against them and they have become stuck in a psychological 'resistance fighter' mode - because - lets face it, being a resistance fighter is an attractive stance to those seeking affirmation of their importance!

    I do know you, know you as a kind and an intellectual being and hope your stance has not stopped your family from being vaccinated.
    Go well

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