1. 18,157 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    @mogga thanks for that! you and @zipperlip are the only dudes I came onto this thread for!
    I have a different point of view to most on here and I don't like 'rough talk' - hence being accused of 'courting behaviour' - but, of course, everyone on here is male - and defiantly 'Aussie' (Queenslanders?) - I simply use 'courtly' language because I have been brought up that way - and it has stood me in good stead, in this my new country, which made me feel very welcome and which I love. I am also a bit of a hobby writer, so my written language is different to my spoken language.

    Re this Covid thing - I have fought my own battles with my very own kids - and it was originally about basic immunisation: eldest daughter 'didn't believe in it, so when she had babies, the argument began, which I lost, as I dropped the subject rather than lose communication with my daughter.

    No-one in this country has ever seen people affected by those dreadful diseases for which a simple jab is the remedy - I have seen my schoolmate as an adult, turned into a beautiful woman, but still limping, still walking with a stick, had no children. Know another one who carries the scars of smallpox on her face - a disease for which formerly 'death' was often the result. I myself had several severe childhood diseases, because there were no jabs available.
    I was worried about my granddaughters for a long time, lucky the older one got a job at a hospital, where people convinced her and 'turned her' '
    and my magnificent daughter, who was a work of perfection, not due to me, but due to the looks of my husband, brilliant at everything she touched, her music is in a number of famous movies - she worked with famous bands - also being 'alternative' early on and missing her chance at healing and dying in early 2021 - just 6 hours after my own birthday - all due to missing out on conventional remedies but going alternative - initially for a whole year.

    All these life experiences have me somewhat prejudiced against alternative views on health and now the campaign against the jab - but I lived with their outlook, still do, as a good personal friend also holds these views and refuses the 'jab' for his now 10-year old son - none of his friends is discussing this with him. He also holds some very 'alternative' political views.

    I am possibly too trusting - but 'trust' that people like you and some of the posters on here are acting as some kind of 'police' on big pharma, to make them behave better and give us all a good product in the end and I wish you good health!
    Always your friend

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