Climate nutters, page-192

  1. 2,752 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 300
    >this means you don't understand the difference between conduction and convection and neither do you recognise the important points @Dochico has made so clearly.
    Dochico has made important points which help explain an increase in global average temperature.
    Not peaks.

    So, if we're talking a lack of understanding, its you and Dochico not understanding the difference between an "average" and a "peak".

    >atmospheric warming is multi-factorial. you need to understand all the variables in atmospheric heating.

    Yes. Exactly. Many factors. And yet for some reason there is this unsupported belief that increasing CO2 can somehow increase the temperature at noon. I'd like that one explained to me.

    >limiting such to merely conduction or convection shows you don't even understand how conduction converts to convection.
    Lol what? I haven't done any such thing nor does it show any such thing.
    You literally said that my claim was not supported by evidence, and was my opinion.
    It is not my opinion.

    Heat transfers to the air mostly by conduction. I don't need to address convection because that wasn't the point that was made.
    Nonetheless, how does the heat energy that drives convection get into the air? Oh yes. Conduction.
    Oh and how is the heat energy transferred, in a convection current? Ohhhhhh yes. Conduction.

    Conduction = molecules banging into each other and transferring energy.

    >defer and distract without referring to anything in particular is your strategy
    No, this is your strategy, Scott. You pretend that asking a specific question is making a generalised statement that the entire field of inquiry is wrong.

    It seems you have some type of religious position on this matter. "Oh are you questioning a part of scripture? You must be an atheist!!!".

    Let me type this very clearly for you so you understand my position.

    CO2 increases the global average temperature.

    Got it? No "climate denial" there, is there?

    Ready for the next part?

    CO2 does not increase global extremes of temperature

    And look! You made it personal again! How shocking, especially when you get so very very sad when people make it personal with you.

    Last edited by DanMachine: 28/11/22
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