@logco, below is the federal government advertisement. If you can find a federal government advertisement in the past month that mentions getting vaccinated is a good thing, I will retract my claim. Otherwise, you should retract your claim.
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The Australian government is no longer promoting covid vaccines. I've got the TV on in the background and twice in the last hour the following advertisement has played.As usual, it's not what the government says, but what they don't say. Here's the full transcript.New variants are currently causing a surge in COVID-19 cases.There are some important ways you can protect yourself, others and our healthcare system.When leaving home pleasewear a maskwhen indoors or in crowded places.Cover your coughandwash your hands.Rememberphysical distancing.
Testif you have symptoms andstay homeif you have COVID-19.
Together we can help slow the spread.
Visit Australia.gov.au.
Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.
All good or non-onerous advice.
No mention of getting covid vaccinated!There's only so long you can push a narrative that is clearly wrong, and becoming clearer by the day. Game over.