islam the 21st century's communism, page-14

  1. 2,090 Posts.
    Dave, the trouble with Islam is that, unlike most Christain denominations, it has not moved on since it's inception. It still living in a fundamentalist world where all non-Muslims are classifed as infidels and must be terminated, similar to the attitude of the Cathoilc Church during the Inquisition. Fortunately, in this aspect at least, the Catholic Church has moved on. Islam has NOT.

    Islam needs to update its attittudes to other beliefs and finally move into THIS Century.

    Since I was brought up as a an RC I know what it is to be indoctrinated to believe that your religion is the one and only religion and all others are inherently inferior. Fortunately I have long since moved on from religion and consider myself an agnostic.

    However, it seems that many people still need the 'crutch' of religion to help them through life.
    This is especially applicable, but not totally restricted, to the uneducated masses in the Muslim world.
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