Modern Britain, page-13

  1. 18,391 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    @Sailor FNQ you sound just like the many plaintive screeds i get from my European friends.
    and I bet you are not one of the original inhabitants of this great island continent either . . .

    IF the white man, including the Brits, but also the French, the Belgians, The Dutch, The Germans, Italians and Portuguese too - had not gone out into the world, literally committing piracy in every foreign country which according to their 'then' view, was inhabited by savages of one sort or another, and if not savage, then unbelievers and people destined for hell, anyway, - so they could rape, pillage, infect the native populations with new diseases (gifts of smallpox infested blankets to Native Indians in America) in order to have access to, initially their goodies, often gold - their women, eventually their land; then we would not have all this reverse migration.

    It is a good thing that it all happens relatively peacefully in England - I have been there many times and people are very accepting and most newcomers integrate very well - a bit more difficult in Europe, as a lot of the 'migrants' are young males and are the sad result of Western interference in the Middle East - but they need young people too - how this will end now with more forced migration from the Ukraine, I don't know - but I believe in people and our infinite capacity to adapt.

    - and I have checked my own family history and was amazed, that my mother's family, even though they lived for generations in Austria, were Slavs, but stoutly regard themselves as German. I married a man of Austro-Hungarian heritage and my children are Australians and love to be Australian - I had one girl abscond to England, marry an Englishman - sadly she died 2 years ago, but she became proudly British, sporting the accent of the upper class; her daughter is at Cambridge.

    We life such short lives, it is over in a flash and one shouldn't spend it being resentful.
    Go well

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